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Our beautiful typography, star word art print with white text on a solid home-shaped background for the superstar in your life! A truly unique gift for all occasions including Father's Day, Birthdays and Christmas.


Simply choose your print size, background colour and your preferred font for the focus word. Then add your word list including one central focus word, up to five primary words and up to fifteen secondary words.


We also offer more traditional word art designs with coloured text on a white background. If you have a different shape or colour in mind please drop us a line.


Please check word spelling especially names when placing your order.

Personalised Star Word Art print - White Text

  • Prices Include:

    • long life inks
    • high quality 210gsm paper
    • print only - frames and mounts are NOT included
    • A4 prints are posted flat in a card-backed envelope
    • A3 prints are rolled in a mailing tube


    Postage is first class to the UK only. If your print is going to be delivered outside of the UK please email us for a quote before ordering. ​

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